Research says 'applications lodged by advisors are more likely to be approved'

August 13, 2009

The annual conference of the New Zealand Association for Migration & Investment (NZAMI) was held last week. Many topics were discussed but one of the most interesting was the research carried out relating to how many migrants use an immigration consultant to assist with their visa applications. Dr. Anne-Marie Masgoret of IMSED presented data on the recent findings from the Longitudinal Immigration Survey. This included data gathered on why migrants choose New Zealand, where they expect to get information from, and if their expectations are met. According to IMSED research, as presented by Rob Hodgson, well over half of all migrants applying under Skilled/ Business migration now use an immigration consultant.

According to the data, applications lodged by advisers are more likely to be approved.

Paul Arthur, Director for The Emigration Group in the UK says, “The research results are not really surprising and backs up what we already knew to be the case. A good immigration consultant has a lot of inside knowledge and expertise which the migrant cannot expect to have. It certainly pays to budget for professional help when it comes to planning for your move overseas. “

The Emigration Group is currently offering a reduced price eligibility assessment and consultation service to migrants. Why not make use of this great offer, which ends on 31st August. For details, click here.