The Emigration Group would like to assure all applicants that we have robust business continuity plans in place during this time. All staff are working from home and our systems and processes are functioning as normal. We would therefore encourage everyone to continue to contact us for enquiries and regarding the preparation of your applications.
New Enquiries:
Now is the ideal time to find out more about the process and your possible visa options. Please call us on 01244 321414 and speak directly to a visa specialist or alternatively complete a FREE online assessment on our website. However, if you have a specific question please email
Existing Clients:
If you have already engaged our services for the preparation and management of your visa application, you can continue to forward documents and information direct to your visa manager by email. Their direct lines are also available, and they are happy to receive calls from you.
If we have already carried out a full eligibility assessment and believe that you have possible visa options, the next stage is to arrange a consultation to discuss your report and the visa options available. These can be either by telephone or Skype, please call us on 01244 321414 to arrange a convenient time for you.
We are aware that everyone has been affected by the current pandemic and want to assure applicants that our customer service channels by phone and email are operating as normal. Please contact us should you have any queries or concerns in relation to your migration plans.